Monday, February 18, 2008

Slave Catchers, Slave Resistors: Part 6

From a 2-hour special that features stories about slave catchers and slave resistance, from the colonial era through the Civil War and its aftermath. Slavery was built on a brutal system of slave policing--enforced by armed community patrols, paid slave catchers, and federal law. And most of us think that slave catchers were always successful. But the bounty hunters' bloodhounds occasionally lost against the intelligence and courage of the enslaved. There are 10 segments on youtube. This is part 6 and it discusses Nat Turner's Rebellion.This civil war history site has links to each of the 10 segments
Part of the narration
Narrator: It is the summer of 1856, slave catcher James C. Knox is tracking the escaped slave Big Sandy. Knox owns no property and earns his living by hunting down runaway slaves. Knox needs the reward money. He has set out from east Baton Rouge, Louisiana confident he will catch Big Sandy. Big Sandy has spent his entire life enslaved. Known for his contempt of white authority, he has been repeated whipped by his Louisiana owner Robert Davis, he’d sooner kill than be returned to slavery. When Knox’s trained bloodhounds finally track down Big Sandy he refuses to surrender. They start to fight, for fifteen minutes the hunter and the hunted struggle. A final blow ends Big Sandy’s dreams of freedom, James Knox fails to return Big Sandy alive and will not get paid. It’s the cost of doing business when you’re a slave hunter. Over a period of three hundred years of slavery in America, slave owners would build a sophisticated structure to sustain this brutally corrupt and immoral system. A system of controls that began with militia, grew to include citizen patrol and slave hunters and became so vast that by 1850 with passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, every American was required to be a slave catcher.

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