Friday, February 29, 2008

Panoramic Movie Of A Jazz Mural On Linden Boulevard In Queens

A panoramic movie of a mural on the northern side of Linden Boulevard as it passes under the Long Island Railroad. It depicts many of the jazz and entertainment giants who resided in Addisleigh Park and St. Albans, Queens


  1. You have a very nice site. I am wanting to post a few panorams on my site. I was wondering if you could give me the information that I need to be able to post a panorama, like the software that you use and other information that I might need to get one on my site. Thank you Chuck Townsend. My email address is; Thank again for any information.

  2. The site that I went to;Every Month is Black History Month is a very nice site with lots of panorama pictures. I left a comment saying what a nice it was and also, I asked for information on putting a panorama picture on this site of mine. I have a few on another site that I would like to move to one of my sites. Any help on this subject would be appreciated. Thank you Chuck Townsend
