Friday, February 15, 2008

Black Jack Blood And Honor 2

I found Alex Simmons' web site and it mentioned a NYC Kids' Comic Book Convention occurring on March 29, 2008 at Bronx Community College. looks like a worthwhile event.
I took the images from the site and made them into a slide show. No sound
from Alex's site
...We're specifically inviting teachers, librarians, and more to show them how our chosen field works and how it can support literacy and other academic goals. Don't think we're throwing fun out the window! Children and young adults can expect a full-blown all-age event! Tons of fun with no gore, extreme violence, nudity, or vulgarity. So join us for an exciting and unequaled comic con experience! This was limiting in my eyes so I took my hobby of writing to a new level and began to pen monologues for me to perform in auditions. This lead to writing monologues and scenes for some of my fellow actors (white and black), which slowly began to take over more and more of my creative interest. I continued to write as I pursued acting, voice over work, and directing. I wrote articles, short stories, one-act plays (most of which will never see the light of day again), interviews, and song lyrics. The quality of these varied -- I was learning and that is a long active labor. The volume of work varied, but I can tell you I filled notebooks and eventually ran through a lot of typewriter ribbon. (I know some of your are saying, "What is typewriter ribbon?" Ah, to live a long life.)
What is important is that I was able to do all of this because I had never been taught I couldn't. There is something to be said for not making the word "impossible" a mantra in your vocabulary. In other words, don't overwork it. Believing I could, I did. After that it was a lot of hard work and practice, successes and failures. I carry this experience with me into my workshops. Each time I meet a new gaggle of young people, no matter what I am told about them, I wait to see what they tell me about themselves. No matter what their academic skills, artistic style or influence, ethnicity, or cultural background -- I wait and watch to discover what they can do and how badly they want to improve at it. I do not try to clone artist to reach the same level of style or interest, or genre. Instead I seek to help them speak their own minds through their art, or the love of it. Sometimes that love is fuel purely by curiosity or a desire for fun.

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